Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas in Bedford, Virginia

I spy a small dog!
Do you? Duke likes to go... anywhere! Here he is hoping to make it into our suitcase for the Knox Family Christmas in Bedford, Virginia.

We stayed at The Craddock Terry Hotel in Lynchburg, Virginia (:45 mins. from Bedford). It's an OLD shoe factory made into a boutique hotel. They really incorporated the shoe theme well! They brought us breakfast in a shoebox.

Susan & Jimmy's Room

Indians follow me. This is our room.

Breakfast in a Shoebox!

While in Bedford, we stopped by my father-in-love's family Dairy farm. This farm was origionally Dennis' great grandparents place and now his two Great Uncles still run it. Those mountains are part of the farm. This was one of the prettiest pieces of land that I've ever seen! Wow!

The church the family attended. Most of the family is buried behind the church. Wierd seeing your name on a tomb stone... KNOX!

We ran into, Mable, Jimmy's Great Aunt while at the church.
We did a lot more while in Bedford, but I don't have good pictures. We went to D's Aunt Marie & Uncle Marshall's for the Knox Christmas! It was a really fun trip!

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Dennis Knox Rocks!

Thank you, Dennis!

This Christmas gift has warmed my heart more than you know! Dennis gave me this antique rocker Christmas night. He plans to sand & refinish it once I decide on the nursery's decor. I'm thinking white!? Nonetheless, I absolutely adore it- #1 because HE gave it to me and #2 I like it's spindlie arms & legs and the four balls at the top. He knows I like good furniture legs. Plus (#3), it's super-duper comfy... just add baby and we'll really be rockin!

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Santa Baby

Meet the newest member of our family! We've made it to week 14. By now our little guy or gal has successfully grown all things major and it's beginning packing on pounds... & so am I! AWESOME.
I've been pretty lucky- no morning sickness just an occassional gagging session when the tooth brush touches my tongue. I may be feeling the baby moving (I know, I know, it's rare at 14 wks & could be gas). I feel little flutters every now and again. I feel this when I'm laying really still on the sofa. (I'm paying attention thanks to Christa) All in all, I'm enjoying the excitment of the baby. Dennis is so sweet- he's been making healthy "brain-making" dinners and he's really tender to how I feel. :) He kisses my stomach now. :) It's just so cool! -Ash

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