Baby and Me on TV!

The 700 Club, which tapes locally, had Dr. Roizen on to talk about the new book... and one of the producers (my dear friend, Heather) invited me to help! (I use to work at CBN as a News Producer back in the day)
As you'll see in the video, the segment had a game show feel... which made it so much fun!
Behind the scenes, Dr. Roizen was such a sweet man. (pictures to come!) There were 2 other pregnant girls on the show with me and he answered ALL of our questions. We kind of bombarded him with questions..... WE even talked about OPRAH. (He's on her show a lot.)
Dr. Roizen didn't seem like a doctor- he was extrememly personable and FUNNY. He was also SHORT... which surprised me. He looks tall on TV. He actually asked Kristy, the host, to take off her heels and put on flats. :) It was cute.
All in all, this was a wonderful Pregnancy experience! One that I'll get to actually show our son one day. Wow, son, Whoa!
Check it out: